Athletic Girls Become Gorgeous Women

The best women compete in sports as girls.

Athletics introduces people to the game of life. It defines the player's roles, acknowledges the playing field, and agrees to the rules. You play to win, you learn to lose, and you move on to the next match.

The greatest lesson is taking a punch to the nose and knowing it won't kill you. Hurt like hell, yes, but you're not dead.

Taking a hit and landing a punch builds confidence. In other's eyes, you are competent, win or lose, which among men is the highest form of praise.

Earning your chops with guys wins you lifelong loyalty. They will help you bury the body.

The only real offense is betrayal, not ineptitude. This is because when you prove yourself inept, they know you are trying your hardest and respect the effort.

Men admire anyone who goes to bat and swings for the fences, despite striking out. It's the quitter they despise for the valid fear that you'll abandon them in battle.

Competing in beauty pageants doesn't count, unless you consider backstabbing a blood sport.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog with even very good description ..
