Wanted: Musings on the Politics of Appearance

To me, seeing is believing – in person and in print. There is so much I want from writers who write of beauty and the politics of appearance. I'm not getting it, and so I am doing it. This is the basis of my blog Ugly Is Not an Option.

I want writing that’s worth investing precious minutes of reading, for which I’ll pay any price.

I want to connect with the writer through the writing’s mental monologue.

I want writing that I can’t wait to get back to after being forcibly pulled away.

I want to feel devastated when the piece ends; losing the connection that can’t even be made with lovers or resumed again with another writer.

I want phrases rattling through my head like an obsessive compulsive deprived of her meds who can’t purge her endless thoughts.

I want words to hit me hard like the clanging of a cast iron skillet, which soothes with its brittle coolness to the touch.