The Greatest Lovers Love Great Woman

The best lovers are Italian, Latino, and Jewish men. This for one reason. With intensity, fervor, and devotion these men love women.

Beautiful women.
Bountiful women.
Passionate women.
Strong women.
Real woman.

Look at their mothers, the matriarchs that they are with doting sons and husbands. Their cultures celebrate them, as well they should.

Their sons want to marry a woman like their mother. Not for her cooking or cleaning, but for her force of personality and dedication to family.

Not so in America where beauty is dangerous. Beautiful women are gold diggers not to be trusted or bimbos not to be bothered with.

Pity. For these are weak women. And they go unloved. As for their lovers, they go unloved, too. How can they not be?

Weak woman produce weak men who then become lame lovers. We know them as wayward sons and lonely husbands. Tsk, tsk, tsk. So not lovely.