Media As Mount Olympus, Paparazzi A Pile Of Pus

The paparazzi are the peddlers of truth. Celebrities and commoners are cleaved together as were the mythical Titans. Titans, according to Greek mythology, were hermaphrodites. Being both man and woman in one entity, they felt invincible because they could mate with themselves and so did not need the Gods for guidance.

The Gods did not like their hubris. So to show them who has the power, Zeus sent a lightning bolt that split the Titans in two, creating man and woman. Now man and woman can only feel the passion of unity through sexual points of contact.

Now the media, Gods of our own creation, plays the role of Zeus. He has split the female populace in two – the celebrities and the commoners. One being a projected image of bodily perfection and the other of normal mortal flaws.

Perfection is the embodiment of Truth. Normal as the perpetuation of Fraud. Contrived projected images of physically perfected celebrities touch us miserable lumps of flesh through visual points of contact.

A candid picture proves all this false as Perfection is seen in the harsh light of day as Normal after all.

In Blog I Trust

Newspapers support the habit of old folks. While fashion magazines are published for young fools. I trust beauty advice from the Office Hottie because she is living proof of her own good advice. Water cooler talk offers perspective far superior to the talking heads broadcasting endless television. New York and Los Angeles heralds the news from on high to the rest of us low-lifes in Fly Over Country.

Print newspapers and fashion magazines are the dinosaurs of our time for three reasons. One is that due to space constraints, they print limited amounts of information to what fits around existing paid advertisements. Two is that their advertisements are scatter shot throughout, giving no regard to your particular demographics. Three is its editorials are skewed so heavily to those who don't even read, much less buy the paper.

The Internet is the solution to all these problems, but a serious problem for publications. Through blogging and podcasting, posting pictures, reading and writing responses, and social networking, folks participate fully within their community online. We share information among like minds instead of getting lost in the abyss of everyone else everywhere else who's not you.

America The Beautiful, Most Times

All things beautiful are the embellishments of exuberant excess. Abundant beauty is a chronology of continuous wealth and stable societies. This can be traced from family units to whole nations by way of city buildings and women’s beauty. Every decade in recent American history was one of increasing wealth. Each succeeding decade produced its share of beautiful women.

There are two exceptions in ongoing American hegemony. The 1940s during World War II was a time of unintended scarcity and mandatory rationing. The 1970s, marred by the failure of President Jimmy Carter, experienced the OPEC oil embargo and the Iran Hostage Crisis. A general malaise exacerbated multiple military failures and massive manufacturing sector lay-offs. Stagflation, requiring two income earners, had women working outside the home to make ends meet. The obliteration of family life began our devastating Divorce Culture.

Comparatively, despite extreme economic and emotional hardship experienced during the 1940s, the women were beautiful as beauty remained virtuous. Why? Patriotism. American women were the reason why men fought for their country and still do. Men were welcomed home to a grateful nation and the loving embrace of their wives.

Not so in the 1970s where contemporary architecture built oppressive facades just as contemporary attitudes created harried women, emasculated men, and broken families. The greatest loss to America was in losing faith in the American Man, to which we have never fully recovered. Hideous city skylines and generations of broken families are proof of what we lost for all that eyes can see.

Paternity Determines Womanly Beauty

Polygamy is not pretty. Self-sufficience is sexy. Islamic cultures allow a man multiple wives. They regard it as a social imperative for a man of means to marry available females in a legal harem. They build stable societies by marrying women, making them beholden to one man. This compensates for the majority of men with no means who cannot afford a family of their own.

In tribal societies, paternity matters. "Who's your daddy?" is a matter of life and death, not merely an entry on one's birth certificate. Being the son of a wealthy man ensures survival in that they can then afford wives of their own. Their family name continues into the next generation, and the next, and the next. The patriarchy perpetuates itself.

It is very easy for us Americans to be snide about other cultures that allow one man to marry many women. We scoff knowing that being married to one woman is hard enough. Yet, we in America have a polygamous culture. Unlike Muslims, our harems are not religious sects. It is entirely secular.

Having children out of wedlock and raising them in the welfare system is polygamy where one "man" supports many women. Ghettos are family compounds. When kids are wards of the state, Uncle Sam is Sultan.

Forcing men to pay court-ordered child support is polygamy when a family man legally morphs into Deadbeat Dad. Family law reduces husbands to mere johns, trading sexual services for cash transactions. The legal system as protector - and pimp. When Big Government is Big Daddy, his women are whores.

Getting Laid In The Afterlife

Men become suicidal terrorists for one reason: to be a hero in death for being a loser in life. In their culture, these men cannot marry because they are deemed undesirable. This may be because he is uneducated and thus, unemployable.

Societies allowing men many wives exacerbate this problem by casting single men in the lifelong role of rogue element. Failed states that cannot support its ballooning youth or precarious economy encourage martyrdom. Attributing eternal glory in death somehow compensates for being mediocre at best in life.

A wife who takes her man's name and a son who carries that name in perpetuity nullifies the desire to make a name for oneself through martyrdom because he already has through marriage. Not having a woman of his own is death, both biological and social.
Maybe if terrorists got laid, they wouldn't be terrorists. Then we could all live in peace, as would those seventy-two virgins.

Angry Envy of Uglies Ruins Beautiful Love

Things that are most true are mostly counter-intuitive. Beautiful women being sluts, for example. Confidence is what makes a woman beautiful. Her virtue is beauty at first glance. Insecurity and she's merely an attractive woman. It's the mousy brown chicks and all the fat hags who whore it up. They sling their pussies like hash for the phantom feeling of being beautiful.

Yet, they say to never marry a beautiful woman because she has a past... and so she has a future - with other men. This is because they have options. Men fear that those options are better than he is, and he's often right.

Let's think about this. Beautiful women have a lot of opportunities for sex with many men. Being sexually desirable is the ultimate in having options. But just because we have the numbers to run doesn't mean we run the numbers. No, the opposite is true. Having the opportunity to discern among our many options, we pick the very best ones or none at all. We don't need to suffer fools and their follies. We don't have to.

When quantity is not an issue, quality is. Given all the options, many of them very good, we select for ourselves the best man for us. We don't need many, just a few good men. They are worthy of our affection. They have lasting value. Because of this, when a beautiful woman chooses her man, she is deliberate in her choice and confident in her decision. This makes her impervious to the seductive maneuvers of other men, all vying for her attention. There is no complimenting her out of her panties by telling her she is beautiful because she already knows this. Stating the obvious has no sway with seduction.

Men have erections in their sleep. They produce semen daily and on demand by the load. There's no real compliment to having a man ejaculate with you. Not when he does it so often alone. There's little value to being his witness, mute or otherwise. If he isn't spending his allotment by having sex with a woman, he would through nocturnal emissions anyway, even after giving his hand a try. So saying you're pretty gets you into bed with him. Big deal. Talk is cheap. Sex is cheaper. Yet, promiscuity is so very costly. Women of the highest value will not pay its price.

The value of beautiful women is high. It's the fools who are willing to pay for sex at any price. For this reason, beautiful women do not cheat on her man for other men who compliment her. She doesn't need to. Doing without is much easier than making do. Even when not involved in a relationship, the time between lovers is fleeting. She feels no desperation, and so will not pay the devil his due for indiscriminate sex. She knows she's desirable. She has the numbers to prove it. But it's those same numbers of available suitors that sully her image. Reputations made worse by the angry envy of ugly women who gobble up the dregs as if there really is such thing as second place. Sloppy seconds, maybe. That's no prize.

As I Reader, I Want

To me, seeing is believing – in person and in print. I'm empty, even after all that filler in print.
Wishing to be fulfilled emotionally and intellectually, there's so much more I want from what I read.

I want writing that’s worth investing precious minutes of reading, for which I’ll pay any price.
I want to connect with the writer through the writing’s mental monologue.
I want writing that I can’t wait to get back to after being forcibly pulled away.
I want to feel devastated when the piece ends; losing the connection that can’t even be made with lovers or resumed again with another writer.
I want phrases rattling through my head like an obsessive compulsive deprived of her meds who can’t purge her endless thoughts.
I want words to hit me hard like the clanging of a cast iron skillet, which soothes with its brittle coolness to the touch.